Every election has disagreements, but this one seems to have an extraordinary number of polarizing points.
Much that is vital to the survival of the middle class and poor seems to be on the table, because little to nothing is agreed upon by the Republican and Democratic parties. They continue to show an unprecedented lack of willingness to compromise on anything. Gone is the sense of justice that supersedes political ideologies. It’s disheartening to watch.
What’s the driver? I believe it goes beyond party differences. The elephant in the middle of the room is race, and I don’t mean a political race.
Much has been said about the blatant disrespect for the office of the president while Barack Obama has been commander-in-chief. Is it because we’ve become a nation lacking civility or is it because the first African American president is fair game?
As the leader of the free world, Barack Obama is not above criticism, but it appears as though he has gotten the lion’s share. The opposition has gotten more vocal and hostile. Important speeches have been interrupted, fingers have been pointed in his face and his religious background and birthplace have been questioned relentlessly. Meanwhile, we are in the midst of the worst recession of our lifetime: unemployment is high, students are struggling to pay for college, millions remain uninsured, the elderly are barely able to pay for medication and children go hungry in one of the richest countries in the world.
The attacks have not only been a political distraction, but it has been counterproductive to getting the job done in Washington. The only thing Republicans and Democrats have shown us over the last several years is that they can disagree on everything. The president’s enemies have planted their feet in cement and refuse to budge, while insisting that the best way to cut spending and reduce the deficit is to make cuts in food stamps, Medicare, social security and any other program that helps the poor and elderly. Obama has called on Congress to approve his jobs plan. There’s not a chance they will do that.
I’ve always been non-partisan. Over my years of voting I’ve voted for both parties at one time or another. I think that the ideologies of both parties can bring balance to the process if the focus is on what is best for the masses. The Republican agenda is to remove President Obama, at any cost. The focus is not on the masses, it’s on making President Obama a one term president. That means making decisions that will counter those of the Democrats regardless of the effect on the middle class or the poor.
At this point, it shouldn’t matter what ethnicity, age or political party is in the White House. The primary objective of all of those who are elected to serve the American people should be to create a strong, healthy and vibrant nation. In the words of the late Rodney King, “Can’t we all just get along?”