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From One Young Detroiter to Another: Think ‘bout It

Thrive Detroit


Hey, guys! It’s been awhile. Sorry for my absence, but trust me, I can make up for it. I hope you all have been doing well and using some of the advice that I give you, ya know, from kid to kid. Anyway, today I’m going to talk about going for what you want and achieving your goals. Now, I’m about 99% sure that you have all heard the phrase “follow your dreams,” and adults just blah blah blah about it. And trust me, from one kid to another… I know it’s against the “kids’ rule book” to pay attention to what they say, but as much as I hate to admit it, most of the time it’s some really good stuff. I mean, would it kill you to give your parents 10 solid minutes out of your day to really listen and pay close attention to what they have to say?

Now, let me tell you, reaching your goals isn’t a slice of cake, meaning it won’t come easily. The problem is that people just quit, give up, call it a wrap, and stop following their dreams because “it’s too hard” or “it’s taking too long,” etc. Trust and believe me, I hear ya, and know the feeling, but if you are working hard following your heart and doing something you really love, what do you have to lose? Who said it was gonna be easy? Just keep your mind focused and fight the negativity.

I know personally that when you get discouraged, it’s easy to stop and give up. But this ain’t good. It might be helpful to think of something that inspires you during these times.  I like the quote, “When you want to achieve as hard as you want to breathe, that’s when you’ll be successful.” I don’t know who first said it, but I like it. So I just replay that quote over in my head to keep me motivated and encouraged. Another good idea is to surround yourself with positive and encouraging things, whether pictures, images of people that inspire you, food….wait…not food, not food, I just wrote what I was thinking about, *sigh*, typical **Jelly. Anyway, yeah, so, basically whatever makes YOU happy.

I’m just going to list a few things to help you get on the right track to achieving your goals!

1. Surround yourself with inspiring things.

2. Hang around with people that don’t pressure you and help you be the best you.

3. Listen to advice that other people give you.

4. Identify what you want.

5. Visualize it. (I suggest making a vision board.)

6. Tell your parents–they’re here to help you, not hurt you.

7. Keep your motivation high!

8. Most importantly, if you believe in God, which probably isn’t a bad idea, PRAY. Prayer changes things.

9. God hears and answers our prayers. But, just remember: YOU have to do something. 10. Act with faith if you want God to meet you halfway.

“See” you next time!

**”Jelly” is Majallen’s moniker


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