During this time when so many have come to the aid of others, without regard to themselves, these words are offered.
High on the mountain I express my anguished words, not sure if they might reach. Across the hollow on mountain of yours, you answer offering the peace I am seeking, the perfect solution I so sought. And it reminds me that humanity is so connected, not by our phones, our social media, but rather our most personal human experiences.

My heart can then settle knowing I don’t have to be the answer for all. It can resume its healthy beat serving the body as mandated and not the endless worry of a filled mind. Hearts at rest, at peace, can flourish more. They gain new love, trying it on in the most delightful of actions. It spreads the love throughout the body, expanding to peaceful rest in the center of the soul.
It is the lesson of love to grow to more, to demand nothing and give everything. It is in our teachings, in the voices of our saints and sacred leaders. It provides when hope is short, when courage strays, when belief falters.
My steps up my mountain today have the lightness of all that is good. Today, not in desperation do I cry out, but in joyous song, for what I could not do, another has. And the peace of this echoes beyond this world, returns to settle within my heart.