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Spring Forward in Your Health

Thrive Detroit

“I did it!” I shouted, as I ran across the finish line at the Atlanta Mission 5K Run to End Homelessness. I heard the announcer call my name, and I felt as if I had won a Grammy or something. As I contemplated the two months of training that lead to this very special triumph, I could not help but think of the hundreds of homeless women, men, and children back home in Detroit. You see, I’m a homeless advocate because I’ve been there, and I believe no one should be without a safe place to call home, ever.

Health is mind, body, and spirit working in symphony, and my first 5K run was at the top of my 2014 Personal Health Action List. Contrary to popular belief, health does not happen on its own. Optimal health requires our brain to think and believe, and our spirits to embody those thoughts and actions to manifest our beautiful, amazing healthy bodies. What beliefs do you need to relinquish and what actions do you need to take in order to move closer to optimal health?

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), 1 in 3 Americans are obese. Heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer are the leading causes of death. Additionally, it is estimated that an obese person is likely to have $1400 more in medical costs per year than a person who is not. Your Personal Health Action List could save you money–wow!

As we each prepare to spring forward out of hibernation and self-reflection into a stage of flowering growth, I invite you to join me in preparing our minds for a great harvest, because our health literally is our wealth. As I prepared for my first 5K race, I had to let go of the belief, “I don’t run.” I also had to release, “I’m too old to start running.” Yeah, I’m turning 50 in April, but it’s never too late for better health, right. So what if I never ran before? I can begin at any age as long as I have legs and feet.

My coach and friend Madison kept reminding me that I was breaking through barriers, just like when I bulldozed my way through hopelessness and homelessness to become a successful writer, health coach and international speaker. As she and I ran side by side, she encouraged my soul and affirmed with me that I could do it, with great determination and power from the source of all things.

Today, I affirm with you; “you are a picture of perfect health, you are a winner.” I stand with you, my sister, my brother, as you challenge yourself to be your best and to manifest the greatness that you dream of. No matter what circumstances you are faced with during this period of transition, know that you have everything you need. There is no lack or separation from the source. You are an internally powered locomotive, a wealth-creating machine. You are wealth beyond measure. The race is already won, if you believe.

Spring forward in this knowing and watch the flowers blossom all around you until autumn, then winter when it’s time to hibernate again.

Versandra Kennebrew is an author and international speaker currently residing in Atlanta, GA. Her personal development business, VKI (Versandra Kennebrew Intl.), supports and coaches holistic health enthusiasts and professionals for the betterment of humanity. Learn more at 


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