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Your Dream Life Awaits!

Thrive Detroit

“Whatever you do, or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.” —-Johann von Goethe

Recently, I was having a conversation with someone near and dear to me, who I respect and admire greatly, and they said something that struck me as profound.  They said, “With commitment there are always rewards. And commitment means making a decision.”  Those words resonated in my mind for quite a while, because I know personally that there are many things I need to do, want to do, and have to do, but still haven’t done.  Maybe you can relate, maybe you can’t, but I had to ask myself, how committed was I to truly accomplishing my goals and making my dreams come true?  The honest answer is that although I had done a lot of planning, I had not made a sound commitment to “act” on the plan.

That being said, Detroit, my challenge to you, as well as to myself, is to “commit” to action!  Summer is here and we are almost halfway through another year. It’s time!  Time to really think about everything you desire to accomplish in your life, and make the decision to embark upon the journey of a lifetime!  The exciting part is that if you have breath in your lungs, then this moment provides the opportunity to start anew.  The moments in your life leading up to this point, as of a second ago, are now the past.  You can start wherever you are, with what you have right now.

One of my favorite quotes is by Lao-tzu: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” So let your first step be a step of faith, as faith is the prerequisite for success in every endeavor and activates the power of God.  The Bible says, “If you have faith, nothing shall be impossible for you”(Matthew 17:20). The spirit of God, or whatever you call this Omnipotent presence evident in everything around you, including the spirit of man, is limitless.

Now, I ask you… what would you be, what would you do,  what would you have, if you knew it was possible and you couldn’t fail? What do you need to do, have to do, want to do to make it happen? Really think about it and exercise your faith by closing your eyes and “seeing” yourself, in your mind’s eye, at your absolute best, accomplished at the highest level in every life domain: spiritually, financially, in your career or business, in your relationships, in your role as a parent, etc.  See yourself fully living your dream life, in as vivid detail as possible.

After having developed a clear picture, take it a step further and find ways to fully immerse yourself in the vision, evoking as many of the senses as possible in creating an environment that is a reflection of your true self and those things you desire to accomplish. I know firsthand that when you practice this visualization exercise repeatedly, something supernatural happens.   Yet, as I write this, I am reminded that although I know this to be true, too often I allow fear and doubt to distract me and cause me to be stagnant. If this has been your reality also, I urge you to fight these negative influences with every fiber in your being. Speak to those mountains in your life and tell them to move! And as they cower aside and get out of the way, take a step closer to your dreams. They will come rushing to meet you!


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